![]() Instrument information Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is one of the excellence method for molecular structure elucidation, of organic and bio-molecule. It is also a tool to study interaction of various molecules, the kinetics or dynamics of molecules and the composites. NMR at the Department of Chemistry offers services to both University and outside users. We provide technician-based analytical services and also provide technical support in the manual operation of equipment to graduate students who are interested in self-service. Most of our equipment is operated hands-on by trained graduate students. Staff are on hand to advise and train students, to run more complicated experiments and to run outside requests. All FT-NMR system are liquid NMR. Brand: JEOL Model: : FT-NMR ECA 400 (ECA 400) Technical specification: Probe: 40TH5AT/FG2SL with automatic tuning Software: DELTA Location: C017 Block A, Chemistry Department Person in-charge: Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Azhar Ariffin Senior Science Officer: Miss Norzalida Bt. Zakaria Senior Science Officer :Mr. Fateh Ngaliman Assistant Science Officer: Mrs Dara Fiona Mohamad (Phone no.: +603-79677022 ext: 2118) Analysis offered:
2D experiment:
Application Form : Instrument Handling Procedures HERE Manual for User : Basic operating procedure for ECA 400 FT-NMR system HERE Measurement User Manual for ECA 400 FT-NMR system HERE Procesing User Manual for ECA 400 FT-NMR system (Delta version 4.3.6) HERE Tutorial manual for ECX 400 FT-NMR system (Delta version 5) HERE For futher information regarding service charge, please click HERE. Instrument Status : |
Last Update: 16/02/2023